Looking to maximize your web site's visibility for both the human eye and the search engine spiders?
If the human eye doesn't like your
site, if it has difficulties in finding the content or if the
navigation is confusing, then it doesn't matter at all what you have
to offer because it won't get seen. Your visitors exit is just a
mouse click away.
It's exactly the same with the search
engines, the only difference is that the search engine spiders have
different criterias compared with the eye. And their exits may be
even faster than a mouse click!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn't a one-time effort. The variables that influence search visibility and rankings are constantly changing. Search engines update their rules. Competitors constantly optimize their pages to improve their rankings, and new players enter the field.
We work with the site from both the eyes and the spiders point of view. This is a much better way than pay per click month after month, and organic made pages are also the first choice when someone has to choose between a paid or organic (unpaid) advert. The ranking of a web page within a search engine can be severely harmed with problematic web design methods. If any of these issues exist in your web site, we will find them.
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These are just some examples, the list could be much longer. You can do it yourself, if you have the time and the skills, or you can let us do it for you. Your location does not matter, the Internet is global. Remember this: Research shows that surfers only view the first three pages of results displayed when searching for a product or a service. If you aren't there, then you are not visible enough!