Spring in Andalusia

Andalusian hills, Genista

This picture shows some hills in Andalusia during the early spring. Most of the yellow flowers are different kinds of Genista (Genista monspessulana, linifolia, canariensis). More common names: French Broom, Mediterranean Broom and Canary Broom. The mountains in the background are the Sierra de Alpujata. This small mountain range was once an important mining area with its wealth in iron deposits, nickel, lead, talc and dunite. The iron mine of the Peñoncillo was famous and the minerals were transported to the coast by a tramway, some of the towers can still be seen.

This picture was taken just outside our old office in the hills between Fuengirola and Coin (Mijas Costa), photo: Anja Erixon.

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Some of our common Orchids, download this picture in higher resolution.